Volume 35 (2007): Language and Linguistics6



ARTICLES ROSARIO GORDO PELEATO (Academia General Militar de Zaragoza)“La traducción de las expresiones militares estandarizadas en las películas del género bélico” LUIS IGLESIAS-RÁBADE (University of Santiago de Compostela)“Some lexical collocational patterns in Late Middle English legal texts” MICHAEL O’MARA (Catholic University of Valencia)“Translating colloquial idioms/metaphors in The Catcher in the Rye: A comparison of metaphorical meaning retention in the Spanish and Catalan texts” JAN PEDERSEN (University of Stockholm)“There is more to being a Scotsman than putting on a kilt and trilling your /r/s. A study of linguistic credibility in the Hollywood movie Braveheart” WILLIAM SAYERS (Cornell University)“Moniker: Etymology and lexicographical history” REVIEWS KEN HYLAND“English for Academic Purposes: An Advanced Resource Book. (by María Isabel Herrando Rodrigo. University of Zaragoza)”


