Volume 28 (2003): Literature, Film and Cultural Studies



ARTICLESCATHERINE BERNARD (University of Paris)“Forgery, Dis/possession, Ventriloquism in the works of A.S. Byatt and Peter Ackroyd” CHANTAL CORNUT-GENTILLE D' ARCY (University of Zaragoza)“Everything You Always Hated about Thatcher’s Britain: A Cultural Analysis of Mike Leigh's High Hopes (1988)” CHELVA KANAGANAYAKAM (University of Toronto)“The Anxiety of Being Postcolonial: Ideology and the Contemporary Postcolonial Novel” ELENA OLIETE PASCUAL (University of Zaragoza)“Making Visible the Invisible: Reversing the Codes of Dominant Culture in Madonna's Videoclip Don't Tell Me” PAULA MARÍA RODRÍGUEZ GÓMEZ (Los Angeles Unified School District)“Dylan Thomas's Animal Symbology in Celtic Tradition: The lnner Voice of a Poet” LUC VERRIER (University of Montpellier)“Sentimental Comedy in Martin Amis's "State of England" and "The Coincidence of the Arts"” REVIEWSJEAN CASHW. Flannery O'Connor: A Life (by Gretchen Dobrott Bernard. UNED) PATRICIA CRUZALEGUI SOTELOLa experiencia platónica en la Inglaterra decimonónica (by Pau Gilabert Barbera. University of Barcelona) DEBORAH L. PARSONSStreetwalking the Metropolis. Women, the City and Modernity (by Teresa Gómez Reus. University of Alicante) 


